Because Global Assist is committed to reaching the unreached. We have developed a model that supports our partners’ work in evangelism, church planting, and discipleship that God is blessing in truly amazing ways.  It’s a model that has the ability to reach massive numbers of unreached people over the entire planet in ways that have never been accomplished before.  God’s amazing strategy for today’s lost world!

We need people like you to join with us and invest in the effort to take the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.  As followers of Jesus, what higher calling could any of us have? Support in any amount will be combined to satisfy the support of our International Ministry Partners. So your partnership of even $50, $20, or $5 per month will be used powerfully fulfill the Great Commission.



Are you called to give financially? We believe that God is now speaking to the hearts of those that He has chosen to be involved in His church planting movement through Global Assist.

We also welcome the opportunity to discuss remembering Global Assist in your estate planning.  To learn more or to discuss this please contact us at  We will respond to you within 24 hours.


If you would like to make a gift click here give on our secure giving page  or please send your check to:

Global Assist
P.O. Box 57393
Lincoln, NE 68505

Global Assist is a registered 501©3 non-profit and a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. You will receive a receipt for your gift.

Thank you in advance for your investment in the Good News to the unreached and unengaged peoples of the world. As a global team God is working through us to change individual lives for eternity.


Before you embark on a planned giving gift, we want to make sure the decision is right for you. Please read the points below as you consider a planned giving gift.

Contact us to receive more information about leaving a legacy of hope and healing through the ministry of Global Assist.


Simply speaking, legacy planning is the process of thinking ahead to give a gift at a later date. Wise legacy planning helps improve your financial position and effectively uses your financial resources to bring positive change to the lives of people in the world in a way that may not be possible during your lifetime. Your gift will help Global Assist continue its mission to evangelize and disciple the unreached people groups of the world.

Wills, life insurance, gift annuities, gifts of stocks and other assets are only a few of the ways that you can make a planned gift to Global Assist

There are numerous benefits to giving a planned gift:

  1. By deciding to leave a legacy and sharing that decision with your family and friends you are teaching them the importance of giving and what is important to you.
  2. By establishing or contributing to an endowment fund you can continue the legacy of your life through future generations.
  3. Wise gift planning helps you and your family make a gift to a charitable cause of your choice that is much larger than is otherwise possible.
  4. Planning your gift ahead of time will ensure significant tax benefits for you and your family while ensuring financial security for those you love.
  5. Charitable giving helps you to reduce capital gains tax.
  6. Most of all, you will know that you are investing your financial legacy into the lives of those who need it most. Your planned legacy helps Global Assist build a long term and sustainable program to help children, adults and families that need the Gospel.
  7. And finally, it is a stewardship decision. It gives you the opportunity to reinvest the blessings that God has entrusted to you and place it back into the work of His Kingdom.


Simply speaking, legacy planning is the process of thinking ahead to give a gift at a later date. Wise legacy planning helps improve your financial position and effectively uses your financial resources to bring positive change to the lives of people in the world in a way that may not be possible during your lifetime. Your gift will help Global Assist continue its mission to evangelize and disciple the unreached people groups of the world.

Wills, life insurance, gift annuities, gifts of stocks and other assets are only a few of the ways that you can make a planned gift to Global Assist

There are numerous benefits to giving a planned gift:

  1. By deciding to leave a legacy and sharing that decision with your family and friends you are teaching them the importance of giving and what is important to you.
  2. By establishing or contributing to an endowment fund you can continue the legacy of your life through future generations.
  3. Wise gift planning helps you and your family make a gift to a charitable cause of your choice that is much larger than is otherwise possible.
  4. Planning your gift ahead of time will ensure significant tax benefits for you and your family while ensuring financial security for those you love.
  5. Charitable giving helps you to reduce capital gains tax.
  6. Most of all, you will know that you are investing your financial legacy into the lives of those who need it most. Your planned legacy helps Global Assist build a long term and sustainable program to help children, adults and families that need the Gospel.
  7. And finally, it is a stewardship decision. It gives you the opportunity to reinvest the blessings that God has entrusted to you and place it back into the work of His Kingdom.


A planned gift is an important decision and we at Global Assist want to make sure the decision is right for you and your family. Here are some points to consider:

  • Pray about it — we want you to know you are doing God’s will in choosing Global Assist as a recipient of your gift.
  • Discuss your decision with family; bring them on board with your wishes and your decision.
  • Contact your lawyer and/or financial advisor. They are professionals working for you and will guide your decision to make a gift and help in drafting your Will. They can also assist you with other planned giving options.
  • Feel free to contact Global Assist if you have any questions about making this gift. We will be happy to talk to you at any time. If you want your gift to go to a specific project, we can provide you with the correct wording prior to drafting your Will to make sure your wishes are carried out.
  • Choose an executor(s) that you feel comfortable with and trust to carry out your wishes. Discuss your decisions with them. This gives them an opportunity to understand what you want and why these gifts are important to you.
  • Gather all important documents together, store them safely and let your executor(s) and/or those with power of attorney know where they are.
  • Above all, feel at peace with the decision you have made. You worked long and hard to acquire the assets that you have. You need to know you have made the right decisions in their distribution. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and give you the wisdom you need.

Thank you for your interest in Global Assist and in exploring some planned giving options. If you have any further questions or you would like to request your free will planning kit, please contact us at:

Global Assist
P.O. Box 57393
Lincoln, NE 68505

This publication is designed to provide information about estate planning and will preparation. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

Thank you in advance for your investment in the Good News to the unreached and unengaged peoples of the world. As a global team God is working through us to change individual lives for eternity.

Global Assist is a registered 501©3 non-profit and a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. You will receive a receipt for your gift.