The Need:

While over 2 billion of the world’s population would claim to be Christian, that leaves more than 5 billion people in the world who are outside of the Kingdom of Christ. Most of the world’s believers are concentrated in North America, Asia, South America, and Europe. While the church is growing rapidly in some continents, the number of Christians remains remarkably small in most countries. Consider the following facts (From Frontier Harvest Ministries: World Mission Statistics):

  • In many countries like Ethiopia, Thailand and the countries of the Middle East, less than 3% of the population is Christian.
  • Out of 16,689 distinct people groups in the world, over 3,000 are still unreached with the Gospel.
  • India alone has 2,500 distinct people groups. Most have never heard the Gospel.
  • Fewer than 3% of all christian workers are involved in global evangelism among the 5 billion unreached people on the planet.
  • The North American church spends less than 1% of its income on the truly unevangelized, unreached world.

As the Bible says in Romans 10:14: “How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” They can’t hear unless you and I help!

Global Assist Is Meeting the Need:

We are called to fulfill the Great Commission to the unreached throughout the world until Jesus returns. We believe that everyone should have an opportunity to hear the Gospel of Christ.

Global Assist fulfills the Great Commission by partnering with indigenous (native) ministries in unreached areas of the world. Together with our indigenous ministry partners, we send native church planting missionaries into unreached areas of their countries, where they can engage with their own people, in their own language, in their own culture to present the Good News of Jesus Christ.  These church planting missionaries help new believers create new home churches and provide discipleship training.

Home churches are started in villages and urban communities which quickly multiply by starting additional churches. The rapid conversion of the multitudes, creation of indigenous home churches and multiplication of these churches throughout people groups are characteristic of church planting movements.

Discipleship is vital to every church that’s planted. We are dedicated to the development and spiritual growth of each believer. We know that Jesus values each person and wants them to grow personally and together as His Church. When individuals grow as disciples so do the churches and multiplication occurs. Our goal is to create healthy, self-sustaining home churches where believers mature and in turn help to establish more churches.

Daily, we are investing resources, training materials, prayer and financial support to our global ministry partners so they can reach the unreached people of their country changing lives for now and eternity. Prayer is a cornerstone of our work and we depend daily on God for His blessing and guidance.

Become a Global Assist Partner:

Because Global Assist is committed to reaching the unreached. We have developed a model that supports our partners’ work in evangelism, church planting, and discipleship that God is blessing in truly amazing ways.  It’s a model that has the ability to reach massive numbers of unreached people over the entire planet in ways that have never been accomplished before.  God’s amazing strategy for today’s lost world!

We need people like you to join with us and invest in the effort to take the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.  As followers of Jesus, what higher calling could any of us have?

Our in-the-field support costs are up to $4000 per month for each of our designated church planting ministry partners. This monthly amount covers personal support of  village church planting missionaries, the development of the newly planted churches, and the necessary resources for the evangelism and discipleship within the designated region.  Each designated region has a population base of at least 10,000 people. Therefore, being able to reach all 10,000 people with the Gospel and establishing self-sustaining home churches over a 3 year period for each church planting missionary, the total cost is $0.90 per person! 100% of the financial contributions to Global Assist will be used to accomplish this strategy in each of the partners designated regions.

Support in any amount will be combined to satisfy the support of our International Ministry Partners. So your partnership of even $50, $20, or $5 per month will be used powerfully fulfill the Great Commission.

Please prayerfully consider joining our support team today. Your gift will bring the Good News of Jesus to a lost and dying world.  We believe that Jesus is coming soon and we should be doing His work mightily!