Partnering with indigenous international ministries to

Fulfill the Great Commission

Matthew 28:19-12

Global Assist is fulfilling the Great Commission by providing needed resources including financial support, leadership training, strategic planning, budget planning, prayer, and encouragement, to indigenous global ministry partners. These partners are presenting the Gospel, discipling new believers and developing home/village churches among the unreached people of their regions.

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Healthy Partnerships Propelling Global Movements

Global Assist is a partner to independent native-led DMCP (Disciple making/church planting ministries.
We focus on supporting these ministries creating exponential & sustainable growth of the Kingdom.



Are you called to give financially?  Are you looking to give of your time?

We believe that God is calling all believers to be involved in the 21st century disciple making church planting movement.  We support our Global Ministry Partners through strategic funding, leadership development, financial planning and organizational planning.  We build them up where they need it most so they can do the work of “making disciples of all nations.”  The Great Commission can be fulfilled in our lifetime.

Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 57393, Lincoln, NE 68505

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